
Muni Minute

Hello Everyone

Just a quick update on August. Last weekend we saw 38 players play in our Club Championship, Congratulations to Kent McPherson on winning!!!

Our Jr. Program is slowing winding down for the season with only 2 weeks remaining, and the last week also playing host to our Jr. Club Championship. Sign up is on the information board and play is open to any Jr. Members in the listed age groups. Also please visit the Jr. Program link on website for info on where our Jr. Program is moving in the future or how we can try to keep it the same!!!

Lastly on Thursday August 16th, we will be doing some much needed work to our driveway, this means that unfortunately the driveway will be closed for a period of time. The course will remain open but alternative parking will need to be found. We apologize for any inconvenience as we continue to improve our course

Dates to Remember

August 17th- 4pm Social Night (Steak or chicken Dinner)

August 19th- 9am Ladies Club Championship

August 27th- Last Jr. Program Day

August 27th-  9am Jr. Club Championship

August 28th- 9am Jr. Club Rain out date


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