
Muni Minute

Hello Everyone

Just a quick reminder that this Sunday at 11am will be our Volunteer spring clean up day!! It is supposed to be a beautiful weekend and I wish we could be open for play but last Saturdays snow really pushed us back, leaving the course extremely wet and with some snow still remaining. I am really hoping that this weekend we see some major drying and it will allow us to finally get our equipment on the course, but for the time being we have been stuck to walking with rakes getting what we can. With that being said the more help we get Sunday in raking and leaving piles means that the second we can get our equipment on course we can pick up piles and be ready for season. Lunch is provided for all Volunteers and thank you in advance to anyone considering coming out to help.

Look forward to seeing everyone very soon


Upcoming Events

April 7th- 11am – Volunteer Spring Clean up (lunch supplied) 

April 13th- 10am- *Tentative* Opening Day

April 17th- 7pm- Men’s League Information/ Registration night

April 27th- 10am- Ladies night information/ coffee in lounge

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