
Muni Minute

Hello Everyone

With May coming up very fast, and bringing the start of our leagues and events I thought I’d send out a quick reminder of these important dates. This Tuesday at 6pm there will be a ladies night meeting for anyone looking to get information about the upcoming year. Our Mens night will be starting on May 3rd and registration is due by April 29th so we can have our team draft on April 30th at 6pm in clubhouse. We are still looking for people to captain the teams, it is a fun night of drafting with zero skill needed, so if your interested please see me.

Also our Annual Members Opening Scramble will take place on May 6th at 11am, the sign up sheet is up on the information board in clubhouse. It is open any members and is a fun day of golf followed by a meal.

We at the Muni are also currently looking for 2 active members to fill vacant spots on our board of directors. As a director you meet monthly to discuss the activities and operations of the golf course, and help in the decision making for the course. If you are interested in joining or more information please contact myself or Bob Hughes.

Here is to finally getting some dry weather.


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