Muni Minute
Hello Everyone
Just a quick update on some key dates around the golf course in July.
Our Men’s Invitational is coming up this Saturday July 6th. There are only a few spots left, for this great event which includes 18 holes, steak dinner, and full prize table. Sign up can be done at the Pro shop counter, and sign up deadline is Thursday at 12pm.
The Monday morning program starts Monday, July 8. Registration begins at 8:30. The program runs until 12 noon. Price remains the same as last year – $5 for club members and $20 for non-members. There is information on the Stratford Municipal Golf Course website under the heading leagues. This year the emphasis for the program will be on the play on the course with instructions about proper etiquette of the game.
Volunteers are always welcome to help mentor the juniors around the course.
In particular, a volunteer is needed to work with the young introductory players (6 – 8year olds). If anyone is interested please let Kyle or Steve Nesbitt know or leave your name and contact information at the booth in the clubhouse.
We will also see our Smoke Cole Sr. Event on Thursday July 11th at 9am and Our Sr Club Championship on Sunday July 21st at 9am both sign ups can be found at Pro shop Counter as well.
Lastly it has been brought forward to the city that a car bottomed out leaving the parking lot, as most of you already know it is a steep incline and caution must be used when coming in and out!!!