Muni Minute
Hello Everyone
Let me start by thanking everyone who has signed up for our Newsletter!! Subscriptions have been flying in and its a great way for me to get information to everyone about the Muni. I apologize to any one who signed up early and got the very blank Muni Moles email. I didn’t realized that it even sent email notifications for events added to the calendar but that will be a useful tool moving forward in notifying members of upcoming club events, along with our newly modified Tee-on tee sheet reminders.
So far Spring has not offered up much golf friendly weather, and although Wednesday and Thursday look great the forecast to follow continues to disappoint. I promise the staff and myself will be doing everything possible to get you out golfing as soon as we can once we have some golfing weather. I will also be posting a member clean up day before we open for anyone interested in lending a hand with a rake for a few hours, but with the 14 day forecast I don’t see a suitable day quite yet. I hope maybe that forecast will change and we can have it on Masters weekend with a little clean up followed by a BBQ and some Masters viewing but I will confirm a date once I know the weather will cooperate. In the meantime I’ve had a few people ask if they could go out on course and rake on their spare time and that is perfectly fine. Huge Thank You for your help as it is greatly appreciated.
Upcoming Dates To Remember
April 18th– Men’s Day Meeting 7pm in Clubhouse
April 28th– Ladies Day Coffee and Get Together 10am in Clubhouse
May 8th– Ladies Night begins
May 9th– Men’s Day begins
May 12th– Members Club Opening 11am shotgun
Hope to see everyone soon
Sitting Wishing Waiting