
Muni Minute

Hello Everyone

As we start to see Spring like weather we have been working hard to get The Muni ready for another season. The golf course has wintered great and the upcoming beautiful weather did have us consider opening for a few days but with the extended forecast still cold, with chances of snow, we have decided to remain closed and use these nice days to continue preparing the course, so that we have clean playing surfaces and cut grass when we do finally open. If the forecast changes we will be ready to open though and it’s looking like it might be a very very early start to the year with lots of April golf.

Our yearly tournament/ league schedule has also been set, so save these dates in your calendar:

June 26th- 3 Man Cash Scramble ***New Event***

July 3rd- Men’s Invitational

July 25th- Sr Men’s Club Championship

August 7th-8th- Men’s Club Championship

August 22nd- Ladies Club Championship

September 11th-12th- Romeo Cup

We will also have our Men’s League operating again this season with some minor changes due to Covid and tee sheet availability. All information can be found on the website under the Men’s leagues section.

Our Monday morning Jr. Program will also see changes due to Covid with the regular program still not operating. We will be offer two 4 day golf camps from 8am till 12pm with limited numbers from June 29th to July 2nd and August 3rd to August 6th. Cost is $250 and registration and sign up info can be found on the website on the Jr golf league section.

Lastly we are now in the clubhouse every Monday to Friday from 8am till 4pm for anyone who still wishes to come in and get their 2021 membership.

I look forward to seeing everyone soon.


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